Update and bump: Fox News is on the story and has been flooded with comments addressing the question of whether or not the Reuters photo of a man caught between the legs of Governor Sarah Palin (see below) is actually a sexist photo. Duh.
Meanwhile, over at NBC/MSNBC, they're debating the question of whether or not there is such a thing as sexism. [snark] As I write, there are 15,469 comments addressing the question: Is This Photo Sexist? Naturally, many of the comments are sexist because we are a deeply misogynistic nation. Oh, and Reuters is even more deranged than we thought. Check out some of the other sexist photos of Governor Sarah Palin's legs. There are so many I lost count. Reuters needs help, as in intensive therapy. Keep them away from your daughters, sisters and mothers. End of update.
Where is the Sisterhood of Traveling Pantsuits when you need them? Reuters sure has a thing for Governor Sarah Palin's legs. Will Reuters photographers soon be bringing us some close-ups of Governor Sarah Palin's breasts?
Who exactly are these photos for? Are they for Sarah Palin's voters? Or are there some serious sexist cretins over at Reuters? How do they say it? Oh, yeah. Reuters is a leg man.
Can we expect to see some close-ups of Senator Barack Obama's sexy body parts? Or does Reuters consider that to be tasteless? Perhaps that would be racist.

Just like in the Democratic mind-rape of a misogynistic primary, the cable news boys are talking night and day about the problem of racism. It is a problem. I agree. But I don't see Reuters publishing any racist photos.
And the reason the cable news boys aren't talking about the sexism? That would be because they are the sexists. Or I mean to say, the sexists are everywhere, just like the racists used to be everywhere.
Women, liberal and conservative, are going to have to come together to make misogyny such a societal taboo that Reuters and MSNBC would be horrified and profoundly ashamed to be caught broadcasting such blatant disrespect for women. With just a little bit of gender solidarity, imagine what we could do.
The sexist Reuters photos of the Governor are via Reluctant Feminazi, who writes:

"Look at this series of Reuters photos of Palin at a rally yesterday. The photographer was apparently unable to take pictures of Palin's supporters without including her legs in the shot. I'm particularly fond of this caption for one of the disembodied photos: 'Republican vice presidential nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin attends a rally in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, October 8, 2008.' That is not Sarah Palin. Those are a couple of her appendages. Caption that shit correctly, Reuters."
Sarah Palin Feminist Politics Gender News Male Domination Misogyny Women's History Hillary Clinton Sexism Feminist Trailblazers