The deranged male dominated media keeps on telling us that Joe Biden doesn't have a problem talking to the media.
So what's wrong with Sarah Palin?
Anybody seen any headlines like these about Joe Biden?
LA Times: Palin gets cozy with Pakistan's president
CNN: Pakistan's president tells Palin she is ‘gorgeous’
Guardian: Never mind Palin's politics. Just check out the earrings
New York Daily News: 'Gorgeous' Sarah Palin wows 'em
Gawker: Gawker: Sarah Palin's Other Man Brad Hanson: The (Plausible) Details At Last!

AP: Maine anchor gets hate mail for Palin resemblance
MN Star Tribune: Palin's fame spawns sexy action-figure dolls
National Review: Is It Fair To Depict a Curvy Palin in a Bustier?
The Bulletin: Rangel Calls Palin 'Disabled' During A Recent Interview
Alternet: Shocking Footage of Palin Praying With 'Witch Hunter'
Guardian: Video shows Palin in anti-witchcraft prayer
Reuters: From wigs to weird, Sarah Palin items surge online
The Star-Ledger: Voters are going cold on the hottie
CNN: Florida congressman points to Palin to rally Jews to Obama - Rep. Alcee Hastings told an audience of Jewish Democrats Wednesday that they should be wary of Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin because “anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks.”

AFP: US company puts Sarah Palin on the wall -- A US company . . launched life-sized Palin wall stickers. . Dressed in a chic white jacket, black skirt and open-toe shoes, and wearing her signature glasses, the high-resolution image of Palin stands 5 feet six inches (1.67 meters) tall and comes with two choices of accessories -- either Republican Party emblems or a rifle, hockey stick and puck, tiara and lipstick.
NBC's Andrea Mitchell: Only Hillary's Uneducated Voters will Vote For Sarah Palin
Media Bias Feminist Politics Gender Sexism Misogyny Patriarchy Sarah Palin Hillary Clinton Equal Representation Feminist Trailblazers Women's History News