Hillary Supporters 'NOT Big on Quitting'

Washington Post: Clinton said Tuesday night that it is Obama's convention. But many of her supporters came here exclusively to honor her. One group traveled from New York and built an impromptu museum commemorating Clinton's historic campaign. Another lighted thousands of candles in a park to symbolize her widespread support.
On Tuesday morning, hundreds of loyalists formed a 200-yard parade and marched through downtown. They shouted into loudspeakers and beat drums, creating a cacophony that echoed across the blocks. As they began marching, some of the supporters chanted, "We want a roll call." Many of them wore their opinions on T-shirts: Country Over Party. Damn, We Wish You Were President. Still Making History. Democrats Left Behind. .
At the front of the parade route, one banner summarized their message: Hillary. Who Else?
. . Perhaps the best example of the persistent divide in the Democratic Party came after Clinton's speech Tuesday night. The lights went down in the Pepsi Center, and some influential Democrats left downtown for good.
Clinton Delivers Emphatic Plea for Unity
Some Clinton Fund-Raisers Are Still Simmering
Don't Blame Me, I Vote for Hillary - buttons, t-shirts, etc
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