Thursday, August 21, 2008

Poll: Only Half of Hillary's Primary Voters Support Obama

Wow. Only half of Hillary's primary voters say they support Barack Obama -- according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. And just listen to all the talk on CNN this morning about how maybe Barack Obama might want to choose Hillary, or else.

And what was Lord Kos saying recently when he was ridiculing PUMA for being a pathetically small group? Oh, yeah, I remember: "Oh man, those PUMA jokers are hilarious! Their lofty and self-aggrandizing proclamations do nothing but set them up for one bomb after another." Lord Kos has a documented history of laughing at women. We'll see who laughs last.

Among all voters, 11% say both that they would vote for Sen. Clinton if she were running against Sen. McCain and that they aren't ready to back Sen. Obama against the Republican. These voters seem like natural Obama backers: They are not happy with the direction of the country, they don't like President Bush, and they want Congress to be controlled by Democrats. Ideologically, they are liberal or moderate. Demographically, they tend to be female with incomes below $50,000 -- two groups that lean Democratic.