via Newsday's Spin Cycle: What they're saying at the protest/march by 18 Million Voices, which advocates for women's rights and is celebrating Hillary Clinton's achievements.
Toni Alves, PUMA (Party Unity My ASS) member, San Francisco:
"I’m marching because of the treatment Hillary received during the primaries. She was treated so unfairly by the media and the DNC,and no one stood up to say anything about it until after they’d asked her to leave. And that was ridiculous. The media totally geared and led this campaign.
"Obama wasn’t elected, he was selected. If you look at all the caucus fraud, you’ll see his delegate lead was only in the red states. …she won the popular vote and she should be the nominee.
"We’re here to represent Hillary Clinton and show her that we’re not going to follow the party line like we’ve always done. Four years ago, we held our noses and voted for Kerry. We didn’t think he was the best candidate. But we’ve always voted democratic. I’ve been a Democrat for 40 years this year, and if Obama is the nominee I’ll vote for McCain.
"I will not support Obama. He’s not qualified. The whole system was totally fraudulent. He claimed to be something before, in the primaries, that was different, that was a new kind of politics, but he’s not. He’s not Washington politics, he’s Chicago-style politics and that’s even worse.
"These people are trying to scare us about Roe v. Wade. Well, you know what? I am beyond my reproductive years. I don’t care. it’s time for these young Obama women who think it’s so cool to support him, they can worry about their own reproductive rights."

Diane Schrack, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, artist:
"One of the basic fundamental platforms of the DNC is against sexism. During the primary race, the DNC was not only silent but in some cases participated in sexism. None of the leadership of the Democratic Party – Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid -- none of them came out and said sexism is wrong, don’t do it.
"Because it was OK on the upper level, the national level, it was OK on the local level, too. The DNC is deeply guilty. It’s so frustrating. It makes me want to become an unaffiliated voter. I am a Democrat. My goal is to make Democrats think about what we’re losing here. If we’re going to give up women in this race, who’s next? Who are they going to give up next time?
"Antisemitism? Let’s have a little bit of that. Or next time let’s have a little bit of racism, or maybe have a little bit of gay bashing next time.
"They sacrificed women because they could take their vote for granted, and that is not what Democrats stand for!"
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