Monday, August 04, 2008

Dear Abused Florida 1/2 Voter: Obama Wants You to Count Now, You too Michigan

Dear Abused Floridian 1/2 Voter, whose vote didn't count until Gallup showed Obama at 44% tie:

via Riverdaughter: Follow Up X 3 - Obama’s Gesture - Too much, too little, and waaay too late

Now, Obama wants Florida, Michigan restored in full -- Riverdaughter: In fact, if FL and MI had been counted fully from the beginning, it would have been all over by February 5th. Her substantial and decisive wins in FL, MI, CA, NJ, NY, MA, and AZ would have dwarfed his insignificant wins in the western caucuses. The weightiness of all of those big D and swing states would have had him barely hanging in the race. OH and TX would have finished him off. We all know this. That’s why it was so important for him to screw FL and MI back in February. It doesn’t make them any less screwed now that he’s sent a letter.

Jeralyn -- Obama to DNC: Restore Fl and MI in Full: As much as we knew this would happen, it still strikes a sore spot.

The Caucus -- Obama Wants Full Voting Rights for Florida and Michigan Delegates: The status of the two states was an explosive issue throughout much of the primary season. Back then, the Obama camp was on the other side, arguing that the two states broke the rules by moving up their primaries and should be punished.

Rasmussen - Number of self-identified Democrats declines: During July, the number of Americans who consider themselves to be Democrats fell two percentage points to 39.2%. That's the first time since January that the number of Democrats has fallen below 41% (see history from January 2004 to present).