Wednesday, July 02, 2008

PUMAS Are In Nashville

Yes, Virginia. There really are PUMAS. And some PUMAS like to flaunt it on their front doors. They say it will keep the Obamas away.

Some uninformed and delusional "progressives" prefer to believe that PUMAS are Republicans. "Progressives" started calling me a Republican the day I came out for the woman candidate. You know the one, the woman whom "progressives" like to call "Billary" and "the Hildebeast." The presidential candidate who is so racist and loathsome that she was hoping and praying for the assassination of her noble and heroic opponent. The woman who is so evil and so unclean that my former trusted "progressive" allies traveled here to this blog just to tell me that they "despise" and "hate" the "bitch," the "cunt."

When "progressives" like that call you a Republican, well, it's hard not to flat-out laugh in their deranged unprogressive misogynistic faces. But I recoil at the thought of ever getting that close to their faces.

The 28 year old PUMA at this Nashville residence swears she will not vote for Barack Obama. The life-long Democrat says you don't reward misogyny. The feminist says she didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Party left her. The woman says that the disrespect, the misogyny, the utter contempt for and despicable violence against women will never end until some women finally, at long last, have the courage of their convictions and do something radical like take a fucking stand!