Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ludacris: Hillary is a Bitch, McCain Should be Paralyzed, & Obama Is The Man (Video)

What does Grammy award winning rapper Ludacris have in common with mainstream media? Why, a preference for "the man" over the "irrelevant bitch," of course. If MSNBC acts fast, maybe they can hire the award-winning sexist rapper. The pundits on MSNBC and CNN should get a real thrill (up their legs) over Ludacris' misogynistic lyrics.

The Obama campaign has denounced Ludacris' new single - "Politics: Obama Is Here." I wonder if the msm pundits will risk being a national laughingstock by doing the same. Funny, I don't remember the unity candidate denouncing the sexism while Hillary was still in the race. Does Obama's condemnation mean he is going to take Ludacris off his iPod? In a Rolling Stone interview, "Obama mentioned Ludacris, Jay-Z and Russell Simmons as 'great talents and great businessmen.'"

Women Count is calling for the presumptive party nominee and the Democratic and the Republican Party leaders to condemn "the hateful, sexist language" and "demand an apology on behalf of the targets."

"This is not an issue of being PC," states Rosemary Camposano, communications director for WomenCount, "This is about beginning the grinding and painful process of rooting out this kind of hate language and behavior whenever and wherever it exists. The Democratic leadership have pledged to unhinge our nation from gender-bias, hate-language and misogyny and we are taking them at their word."

WomenCount ( has embarked on a campaign called "Stop the Silence," in which they are promoting specific language be incorporated into the National Platform now being drafted for the Democratic National Convention.

What? These women are making demands on the Democratic Party during an election year? Gawd! Clearly, the women are treasonous, ignorant, racist, low-class Republicans!

Just think, the Democrats refused to impeach Bush because to do so would have inflicted stress and partisan drama upon the nation. Aren't you glad the Dems spared us from all that divisive drama?

Ludacris: Politics: Obama Is Here

Politics: Obama Is Here (full lyrics here):

...Well give Luda a special pardon if I'm ever in the slammer . . Better yet put him in office, make me your vice president . . Hillary hated on you, so that bitch is irrelevant . . Jesse talking slick and apologizing for what? . . if you said it then you meant it how you want it have a gut! . . and all you other politicians trying to hate on my man . . . so get off your ass, black people, it's time to get out and vote! . . paint the White House black and I'm sure that's got 'em terrified . . McCain don't belong in ANY chair unless he's paralyzed . . .

Ludacris Action: Tell Def Jam Recordings to Stop the Misogyny!

Women Count PAC: Stop the Silence On Sexism in the Media - Please let us know if you're willing to attend a meeting in your local area to stop the silence on sexism! . . [G]ender bias is a violation of Civil Rights and that men and women should be treated equally in the media and in all facets of our society.

Obama camp condemns song: Ludacris ‘should be ashamed’
Obama + Ludacris = best friends 4eva