You will no doubt be shocked to learn that some Obama supporters continue to speak of Hillary Rodham Clinton in rude, coarse, and nasty terms. Here at TGW, we call those people our trolls:
A prominent donor to Senator Barack Obama recently sent an e-mail plea to other supporters, asking them — for the sake of Democratic unity — to write checks to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to help retire her $23 million in campaign debt. Some of the replies are unprintable, given the coarse language, the donor said. A sampling of others included:
“Why would I help pay off debts that Hillary amassed simply to keep damaging Senator Obama?”
“Not a penny for that woman. Or her husband."
. . . Clinton donors and campaign officials say they remain surprised — and, among some, offended — that Mr. Obama has refused to ask his entire list of donors, more than 1.5 million people, to send $5, $10 or more to chip away at Mrs. Clinton’s debt. . . A crucial test will come at the fund-raisers in New York this week . . [via ]
Politics Hillary Clinton Gender News Barack Obama Democratic Primary Sexism Unity Obama Donors New York Fundraisers