Monday, June 23, 2008

Made for TV Elections: Kennedy v. Carter (Video)

The Made-for-TV Election Clip 12 with Martin Sheen via Charlotte Front and Center: Operation Hell Hath No Fury

. . . examining how TV changed the 1980 Presidential Election Campaign when Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter. Watch how commercial broadcast networks use polls, gaffes, flip-flops, stereotypes, and show business values to create winners and losers in a drama of their own making to pump the ratings--and distract you from what you need to be an informed citizen and understand what's really happening in America. . . "Profoundly enlightening... a devastating look at TV's impact on the presidency." --Helen Thomas, Hearst News Service and "Dean" of the White House press corps. . . read more . . .

Kennedy Refused To Drop Out in 1980 Primaries: Now Hillary Clinton still holds her delegates and the likes of Debra Barstoshevich and Sacha Millstone will probably be stripped of their delegate know the "non-party players" who dare to vote their conscience. . . So once again the point is made that many, many democrats are not going to be forced by guilt to get on the band-wagon for a candidate that has been selected by a very undemocratic process no matter the platform.

Thanks palhart!