Monday, June 02, 2008

Howard Dean: The Rampant Sexism Is a Problem (Video)

File this one under too effin' little, too effin' late. Now that polls indicate that large numbers of angry Democratic women are abandoning the Democratic Party, Howard Dean finally gets around to addressing the vile weapon of sexism -- which has proved to be so very beneficial to the male candidate. Can you hear him, NBC & CNN? Can you hear him, Keith Olbermann? Chris Matthews? David Shuster? Can you hear him, Obama bloggers? Obama?

Howard Dean: There has been an enormous amount of sexism in this campaign on the part of the media, including the mainstream media. We'll leave present company excepted, because I think that's true. But there have been major networks that have featured numerous outrageous comments that if the words were reversed and they were about race, the people would have been fired.

So that's a big issue. And there are a lot of women in this country who -- there's two issues here. One is one candidate is ahead and one is not. That happens all the time in primaries, and you get over that. What you don't get over is deep wounds that have been inflicted on somebody because they happen to be a woman running for president of the United States.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Does Barack Obama get over it by choosing Sen. Clinton as a running mate?

DEAN: We don't know. But I do believe that the issue of sexism in this country has to be addressed.

Thanks to 'strange bedfellow' Olbermann Watch for the first video.