Jeralyn has the details about the proposed Michigan Compromise, and she offers this shorter version:
"It not only gives Obama all of the uncommitted delegates, a number that includes those who voted for Edwards, Dodd, Kucinich and Gravel, it gives him some that voted for Hillary. . . This is vote-stealing."
I'm sure you will be relieved, I know I am, to learn that Hillary's campaign says, no thanks!:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign opposes Michigan's plan to give fewer delegates to her and more to rival Barack Obama, a campaign spokesman said Thursday. . Michigan Democrats on Wednesday voted to back a plan that would give Clinton 69 delegates — four fewer than the 73 she gained by winning the state's Jan. 15 primary. Obama would get 59 pledged delegates even though he took his name off the ballot, forcing his supporters to vote for Uncommitted.
Clinton campaign spokesman Isaac Baker said Thursday the campaign won't support any proposal that gives Clinton fewer delegates than she earned by winning the primary. The New York senator trails Obama in the race for the nomination by about 150 delegates, and is seeking to close the gap with delegates from Florida and Michigan. "This proposal does not honor the 600,000 votes that were cast in Michigan's January primary. Those votes must be counted," Baker said.
And speaking of counting every vote . . .
CNN reports that Harvey Weinstein -- major major Hillary supporter -- has informed Nancy Pelosi that he will cut off funds to congressional Democrats unless she moves heaven and earth to make the revotes happen.
Hillary Clinton supporter Harvey Weinstein threatened to cut off campaign money to congressional Democrats unless Pelosi embraced a new plan by the movie mogul to finance a revote of the Democratic presidential primaries in Florida and Michigan.
Weinstein denies the part about cutting off funds, but his spokesperson says:
He did convey to her the belief that it is in the best interest of Senators Clinton, Senator Obama and the historic values of the Democratic Party to find a way to revote Florida and Michigan and not disenfranchise millions of voters. Harvey believes the only way Democrats can lose the presidency in 2008 is by repeating what happened in 2000 — and not count all the votes. Harvey assumes that all Democrats stand united behind the principle that everyone should have the opportunity to vote.
C'mon Harvey, make it happen!
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Democratic Primary News Race Gender Class Politics West Virginia Kentucky Oregon Michigan Florida Revotes