Bump & Update: This is the morning of the protest outside the windows of NBC’s Today program! Those of us who can't be there can still raise OUR VOICES in support of Hillary Rodham Clinton and in support of all women by emailing our thoughts about the good-old-boy media's blatant prejudice against Hillary Rodham Clinton to: Letters@msnbc.com; hardball@msnbc.com; evening@cbsnews.com; Jack Cafferty - www.cnn.com/feedback/cnntv; and Democratic National Committee. [h/t T. Marsh]
Speak Out for Hillary! Demand an end to the sexist media bias. Demand an end to the voter suppression. JOIN THE PROTEST! Friday, April 11, 8:00 A.M., West 48th Street & Rockefeller Plaza, New York City.
"While women have been elected to the highest offices in countries such as England, Germany, and India, the idea that a woman could be president of the United States provokes scoffs and ridicule. The press portrays female candidates as unviable, unnatural, and incompetent, and often ignores or belittles women instead of reporting their ideas and intent. Since voters learn most details about presidential candidates through media outlets, Falk asserts that this prevailing bias calls into question the modern democratic assumption that men and women have comparable access to positions of power." -- Women for President, Media Bias in Eight Campaigns
See THE Video that Documents the Misogyny... Mad as Hell About the Sexist Media Bias
Hillary Clinton Media Bias Protest Politics Barack Obama Democratic Primary News Gender Sexism Misogyny Protest Hillary Supporters New York Florida Michigan NBC