Saturday, March 08, 2008

Save the Country

Here's Laura Nyro singing Save the Country, way back in 1970. Like they say, the more things change, the more they don't! You remember the 70s, back when the country was divided by race, class, gender, sexual orientation, etc., and back when women made the startling discovery that many on the left were true believers in every righteous cause, except women's equality.

Or as Hecate writes:

Supporting Hillary on liberal blogs for the past year or so has been an interesting experience. . I've watched people who insisted that they were for Edwards because he was more progressive than Clinton (fair enough) switch directly to Obama when Edwards dropped out of the race (not so fair). Obama is less progressive, and far more willing to adopt the kind of shit-on-the-liberal tactics that many liberal bloggers used to disparage, than Clinton. Forgive me for perceiving a different organizing principle behind the behavior.

Politics of Whose Hope?:

“[A]s riverdaughter calls it, ‘people are just now starting to notice that he gets more delegates by suppressing Clinton voters than by actually, you know, winning.’"

"The latest being that Obama "won" Texas (you know, like Bush "won" Florida. Clinton won the state 51-47, by over 100,000 votes, and yet, Obama, his campaign, and all his supporters now say they won Texas. Why? Because of the undemocratic proportional allocation of caucus delegates, such as an urban areas that voted Obama being worth more delegates than a Latino stronghold for Clinton in another part of the state, because of a previous election. That's not a Democratic system-- its a relic of machine-age politics. And to claim a "win" based on a system like that is not people-powered politics.”

Laura Nyro was an anti-war activist, animal rights activist and feminist all of her life, there's more about her at Women's Space.