Sunday, March 09, 2008

Obama's New Negative Ad Plays Off Misogyny

Barack Obama has a new negative radio ad out in Mississippi. This one is especially offensive and divisive. The 'unity candidate' aims to gather some extra Mississippi votes by utilizing the bold strategy of taking advantage of the misogyny. And he calls the ad: Respect.

When campaigning in Iowa last fall, Hillary commented on the pathetic status of women in Mississippi:

"I was shocked when I learned Iowa and Mississippi have never elected a woman governor, senator or member of Congress. There has got to be something at work here. How can Iowa be ranked with Mississippi? That's not the quality. That's not the communitarianism, that's not the openness I see in Iowa."

Only scant decades ago, similar remarks could have been made about the pathetic absence of Mississippi blacks in elected office. What kind of 'progressive,' or what kind of person would stoop so low as to take advantage of the racism, or the sexism in order to get votes?

Here's the text of Obama's radio ad, which employs the voice of apparent good-old-boy and former Mississippi Governor Ray Mabus:

"You know, now that Hillary Clinton is campaigning here in Mississippi, she likes to say how important we are. But just a few months ago when she was campaigning in Iowa, she told them she was shocked Iowa could be ranked with Mississippi on anything. And her campaign even called voters in states like Mississippi 'second class'. Obama will unite not divide. He'll take on special interest and not take their money. And he'll practice his Christian faith by respecting us."

Shame. Women are the majority of the population in this divided nation, and yet we are 15% of Congress. That would be 0% in Mississippi.

Clinton Shouldn't Criticize Gendered Injustice
Ex-Gov. Helps Obama Sling Mississippi Mud
Obama Launches Negative Radio Ad in Mississippi