Thursday, March 27, 2008

NBC (Nail Bill Clinton) Poll: Surveying Republicans About the Democratic Primary

Shocking NBC/WSJ Bombshell: Hillary Clinton is NOT Popular with Republicans!!!

Chuck Todd was all but salivating with glee on Hardball yesterday as he reported bad news for Hillary and good news for his man Obama. As always, the Obama Channel plays up everything that paints Barack Obama as shining hero and Hillary Clinton as dirty she-devil.

And whenever the Misogyny Channel finds a shortage of negative Hillary stories, the menz do a poll. The WSJ/NBC poll on the subject of the candidates in the Democratic Primary sampled all voters, not just Democrats. Presumably NBC and WSJ were intent upon capturing the views of Obama's infamous 'Democrats for a Day.' The poll oversampled African Americans to such an extent that the margin of error for this subgroup is 7.4%.

Chuck "He-Man" Todd proclaims that Hillary's "37 percent positive rating is the lowest the NBC/WSJ poll (pdf) has recorded since March 2001, two months after she was elected to the U.S. Senate from New York."

Um, that would be two months after Hillary's landslide victory.

Chuck Todd goes further: "Among Obama voters, Clinton has a net-negative personal rating (35-43) while Clinton voters have a net-positive view of Obama (50-29). Taken together, this appears to be evidence that Obama, intially, should have the easier time uniting the party than Clinton."

Um, the poll includes Republicans, Chuck. Obama will have an easier time uniting which party? The 'Democrat for a Day' Party?

Chuck Todd and the rest of the Boyz Media are running with the poll's carefully manufactured sound-bite which proclaims the one poll to be a "myth buster" because it 'proves' that Pastor-Gate is "not the beginning of the end for the Obama campaign."

Other proclamations (video) by Chuck "He-Man" Todd include this gem:

If Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House, Bush will have an approval rating of 50% by July 4th, 2007!