Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Clinton Backstabbers (Video)

Watch the video for some of the reasons why Democrats are so very famous for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Despite his many flaws, which include Alzheimer's Disease, Republicans have created heroic narratives around Ronald Reagan. Narratives that have transformed the terribly flawed man into an awe inspiring bigger-than-life legend.

But for terms limits, Bill Clinton would easily have won a third term. When he left office, President Clinton's approval rating of 68% was the highest ever recorded for any departing president in the history of our nation. If the presidency of Bill Clinton never rises to the status of that of Ronald Reagan, it will not be because of the tireless and vicious efforts of Republicans. Rather it will be because the only Democratic president to win two terms since FDR was willfully trashed and vilified by unforgiving Democrats. And all under the leadership of Barack Obama.

The Clinton Backstabbers

They smile in your face . . All the time they want to take your place . . The backstabbers . . [The O'Jays]