Saturday, February 23, 2008

Running for President While Female

Quote of the Day

"People don't want to speak out against Obama because of the fear of being seen as racist. It's easier to say you want to keep a woman barefoot and pregnant....You can call a woman anything."
--Dan Leihgeber, Ohio steelworker

"Mr. Leihgeber, the steelworker, says he supports Sen. Clinton for her experience and positions. He carries a book bag to work every day with his lunch and a newspaper inside and a Clinton button pinned to the outside. Some days, he says, he turns the bag around so the Clinton button doesn't show; he says he doesn't like dealing with his co-workers' derogatory comments. Mr. Leihgeber says he wouldn't be heckled so much for an Obama pin." via The Wall Street Journal: White Men Hold Key for Democrats

Cartoon via Women's Space