Monday, February 18, 2008

Plagiarism? Just Words. Just not Obama's. (Video)

'Side-by-side videos of the 2006 Deval Patrick/ 2008 Barack Obama "Just Words?" speech sections.' Senator Obama used the words of Massachussetts Gov. Deval Patrick without attribution. I guess the days of rock stars writing their own lyrics are long gone, but if the words belong to your friend, does that mean it's technically not plagiarism? Maybe. But it sure looks bad.

Update: Who is Obama? Reportedly, this is not the first time Obama has 'borrowed' from Deval Patrick. How much of the Obama we 'know' is really Deval Patrick? Or how many lines in Obama's wonderful speeches have been lifted? Quite a few:

Patrick said...Obama said...

Dan Baltz: "Words do matter, as do their origins. Ask Joe Biden, who took words from a British politician in 1988 without attribution and paid a high price."

New York Times: An Obama Refrain Bears Echoes of a Governor's Speeches
ABC News: Obama Echoes Deval Patrick...Again
Obama says borrowed lines not a big deal
The Swamp: Obama says he should have given Patrick credit
Taylor Marsh: When Biden Did It Plagiarism was the Charge
No Quarter: Just Words, But Whose Words?