Tuesday, January 22, 2008

U.S. More Ready for a Black Prez than a Woman Prez

Not surprising, but interesting in this historic presidential campaign is that in the year 2008, only "72% of whites and 61% of blacks believe the country is ready for a black president."

And a woman president? Only "63% of both whites and blacks" believe we are ready for a woman in the oval office, according to new poll from CNN/Opinion Research. Women and men agree on this one (65% of females & 64% of males).

Depressing, but still we are looking considerably better than in our recent but primitive past.

In all my years of watching presidential debates, I can't recall ever before hearing the subject of equal pay for women enter the debate, as I did last night. Thank you, Hillary.

Senator Clinton reminded the nation that in the year 2008, American women make $0.77 on a dollar and women of color make $0.67. These numbers are as much an embarrassment for this nation as are the numbers cited in the poll.