Thursday, January 03, 2008

Obama and Huckabee Win Iowa

Obama won with 37.6 percent! He's speaking MLK-style on CNN as I write and sounding like he just won the presidency! No doubt about it, Obama is a truly inspirational speaker.

Hillary and Edwards are still vying for second place with Edwards at 29.8 percent and Hillary at 29.4 percent.

Hillary gave a terrific speech. With a smiling face, she congratulated Obama and Edwards, and she thanked the other candidates.

I didn't hear John Edwards' speech yet, but according to at least two headlines -- at Andrew Sullivan and Huffington Post -- Edwards did not congratulate Obama. I hope that's not true.

There was a huge turnout.

Chris Dodd is dropping out. Joe Biden is dropping out too.

And on the Dark Side, preacher man Huckabee left Romney in the dust: Huckabee 34 percent; Romney 25 percent. But not to worry, the lunatic conservative Club for Growth is preparing to take Huckabee down cause he's a Christian socialist!

And Thompson and McCain are tied for third place with 13 percent.

Full results.