Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hillary Wins Big in Florida, MSNBC Pundits Despair

MSNBC pundits Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann tried hard not to notice, but Hillary Rodham Clinton won big in Florida. The petulant boys cable news channel took the memo from the Obama camp seriously. They blocked incoming Democratic results for most of the night. When they did report the results, they did so in vague terms like, 'Senator Clinton won the most votes, oh dear.' Not one time did the boy pundits mention that Hillary beat Obama by 17 points.

The MSNBC crew is so biased against Hillary Clinton that I am embarrassed for them. I turned over to CNN to get away from the drama. They're like 12 year olds who think girls have cooties.

Hillary Vows to Fight to Get Florida Delegates Seated

Hillary won big in Florida and promised to fight to get Florida’s delegation seated at the Democratic convention. The MSNBC boy's club and the Obama camp are dead set against that because Obama's welfare is more important than counting the votes of Floridians. Not exactly a great argument to make if you hope to win votes in Florida in the general, but Obamanians are making it anyway.

In the words of souvarine: "Those damn Clintons! Insisting that every vote be counted! The nerve! What about the rules?"

The Florida and Michigan delegates will, of course, be seated because this is the Democratic Party not the Authoritarian Party. Otherwise some 2 million voters would be disenfranchised! And why in the world would Dems want to risk alienating all those Democratic voters and cede the states to the Republicans? To please Obama?

Expect to hear a lot of media whining about Senator Clinton's visit to Florida after the polls closed and about her promise to get the delegates seated. Meanwhile, Obama violated the pledge not to campaign in Florida when he made a national ad buy that saturated the Florida market with his 'liberal/conservative America' ad. And that's not the first time Saint Obama violated the rules.

But don't hold your breath waiting for the brain-dead pundits on the cable news channels to stop whining about girls who have cooties long enough to mention Obama's violations.

Women Voters Turn Out in Droves

There's something about this election that is turning women out in droves. Duh. The Democratic turnout in Florida was 59% female, and 41% male!

Hillary won 54% of the women, Obama got a pitiful 31%, and 13% went with Edwards. Of the men, Hillary won again with 42% to Obama's 38% and Edwards' 17%. And she won in all age groups and that includes an impressive 59% of voters age 65 and older.

With 95% of the precincts reporting:

Clinton 835,848 (50%)
Obama 555,292 (33%)
Edwards 243,332 (14%)

Hillary will be on the David Letterman Show the day before the Feb. 5 Tsunami Tuesday.