Saturday, December 01, 2007

Fred Thompson -- Lazy, Arrogant, & Grumpy Too

If you saw Freddie on Larry King Live last night, I hope you enjoyed your nap. I know I did. That was Larry's most boring show since Paris Hilton appeared to tell the world that she is as pure as the driven snow.

But Marc Santora over at the New York Times tells us that Freddie is more complex than we think. The GOP candidate from Tennessee is not just boring and lazy, Frederick of Hollywood is arrogant and grumpy too:

The traditional town-hall-like meetings — where candidates are peppered by dozens of questions from voters, often for more than an hour — are not for Mr. Thompson. Nor is other aggressive retail campaigning.

Instead, he holds sessions billed by the campaign as chances to “meet Fred,” often little more than photo opportunities, with the staging not especially well choreographed. And even those are relatively few, with a typical week instead dominated by fund-raisers that are closed to the press and the general public alike. Indeed, what has defined his campaign recently has to a large degree been his absence from the trail. . .

In November, Mr. Thompson arranged to speak briefly with the press as soon as a fund-raiser in New York ended. Reporters waiting in the rain outside watched his driver refuse to move his car from in front of the restaurant’s awning as a Pepsi truck tried to get by, snarling traffic around the block and creating the impression that the candidate’s staying dry was more important than the convenience of dozens of angry commuters blowing their horns.

Once the reporters were let in, Mr. Thompson took questions for about 10 minutes. When a reporter for The Associated Press tried to ask a follow-up question on immigration, a topic on which the campaign has been trying to capitalize, Mr. Thompson glared at her, said he believed she had already been told that the last question had been asked, and walked off.