Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fred Thompson Accuses Fox News of Bias!

This morning on Fox News Sunday, Fred Thompson made the shocking claim that Fox News is biased!

Think Progress:

This morning on Fox News Sunday, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Fred Thompson (R-TN) charged “that Fox News is biased against his campaign, charging that the network highlights commentators who have been critical of his run for the presidency.”

After Fox aired clips of Fred Barnes and Charles Krauthammer attacking Thompson’s candidacy, Thompson responded, “This has been a constant mantra of Fox, to tell you the truth.” . . . Fox News has been accused of having a bias in favor of presidential contender Rudy Giuliani.

"...for you to highlight nothing but the negatives in terms of the polls and then put on your own guys who have been predicting for four months, really, that I couldn't do it, kind of skew things a little bit. There's a lot of other opinion out there." -- via The Hill

Ooops, Time magazine may also be biased against Freddie: Thompson's (Too) Late Arrival