Friday, October 05, 2007
Tell Congress to Override Bush's Sick Veto of Health Care for Kids
Tell Congress to override the immoral veto on health care (SCHIP) for kids.
The wagons in the photo are full of petitions pleading for someone in Washington to come to his senses and permit American children to have a little luxury called health care.
The nation's newspapers are also pleading, albeit with considerable outrage. The New York Times points out that Bush and his obedient followers are doing their usual propaganda effort of lies and more lies. The paper urges Congress to "look behind the rhetoric" and "override the veto."
But my favorite editorial on behalf of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) comes from San Francisco, the city where, by all accounts, all children actually have health insurance:
Bush's veto was mean-spirited and dangerous - and what's worse, it was based completely on ideology as opposed to the practical facts on the ground. He offered two arguments: 1) Congress' expansion of SCHIP was merely a warm-up for "socialized medicine," and 2) by expanding SCHIP, some children who are currently covered by private plans might move over to government coverage.
We'll address the first bogeyman in a moment, as it's the same specter that the Republican presidential candidates are summoning on the stump. As to the second, while we're sure that the president's buddies in the private insurance business appreciate his support, this argument fails to address the fates of 9 million uninsured American children who are, right now, blowing in the wind.
Tell your congressperson to override Bush's immoral veto!!
Bush SCHIP Politics Veto Health Care Children Bush Is Simon Legree Selfish Republicans News Conservatism