'Bring on the Welfare State' remains the clear winner and has left all the not so pretty horses spinning in her liberal dust -- see updated numbers below!
Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN) Poll:
Do you support raising taxes to expand the SCHP program that would provide health care to disadvantage children, while allowing illegal immigrants easier access to free, taxpayer-funded health care?
No -- I already pay too much in taxes and don't want to fund illegal immigrant health care. --
Yes - I believe in further expanding the welfare state and creating an additional entitlement program.
Yes -- But, we need reauthorize the program as it was originally intended with minimal additional taxes. --
It's 5:20 a.m. and I heart Marsha's constituents!
It's not too late to vote in Marsha's Poll!
Previous TGW: Marsha Blackburn's Bogus S-CHIP Poll
Marsha Blackburn Bush Veto SCHIP Politics Health Care Children News Immigrants Republican Liars Tennessee Republicans