Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Fred Thompson Didn't Know the Soviet Union Fell

Seriously senile is what we here in Tennessee call Freddie "So-Not-Ready" Thompson. In an interview in Iowa, the former Tennessee senator was talking about Russia, only he called it "the Soviet Union." Ouch. This is getting beyond embarrassing.

New York Times:

In an interview with Kay Henderson of Radio Iowa today, in talking about Iran, he referred to the “Soviet Union and China.” (Ms. Henderson, at the end of her blog post on the exchange, wrote: “No, I did not mistype. Thompson said Soviet Union rather than Russia.”)

Radio Iowa -- Fred Thompson talks as he rides:

“I'm afraid that the Soviet Union & China are not ever going to do anything that's going to hurt them that badly but we need to ratchet those up if at all possible.”
--Freddie "So-Not-Ready" Thompson, October 03, 2007

Related Post: Fred Thompson Recalls the Democratic Congress of 2005