Thursday, October 18, 2007

Elect Rudy or We'll be to the Left of France!

"If we are not careful and you don't elect me, this country will be to the left of France. That is why I am running."
-- Rudy Giuliani, Iowa Politics

In a speech at Drake University, Rudy was ranting about the benefits of being a French citizen, benefits like France's outstanding universal health care system, as outlined in Michael Moore's Sicko.

France offers many pro family benefits to its residents, including paid family leave and the world's finest child care system. Just imagine, in France you are required to have a college education in order to care for children. And since child care is subsidized by the government, all children have access to high quality care.

Rudy would never allow that! Children must struggle in this world like everyone else!

Electing Rudy Giuliani will save us from pro family evils like universal health care, child care and paid family leave.