Saturday, October 06, 2007

Bush: Privacy Is Your Right -- If You Are A pResident (Video)

Bush -- The Privacy Guardian

"I don't want you readin' my personal stuff. There's gotta be a certain sense of privacy. You know, you're entitled to how I make decisions. And you're entitled to ask questions, which I answer. I don't think you're entitled to be able to read my mail between my daughters and me."
George Bush was warning American journalists not to invade HIS privacy or spy on him by reading his emails. Privacy is so important, said Bushie, that he never sends personal emails to his daughters because somebody might spy on him and read them.

Cause the presidential orders that permit spying or reading email and tapping phones without a warrant pertain to ordinary Americans. Not pResidents! The arrogant Decider was addressing the American Society of Newspaper Editors.

Watch the quick video. The irony factor is priceless. Warning: Bush, the privacy guardian of your universe, may make you vomit.

"There's gotta be a certain sense of privacy."

Did you roll your eyes? I did. Al Gore was right.