Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Breaking: Fred Thompson Remembers Something!

Okay, I stole that headline from The Right's Field, where you'll find the best coverage of poor ole' Freddie Thompson's latest successful effort to embarrass the state of Tennessee.

Too bad that Freddie's breaking news is that he remembers a piece of fiction.

Grandpa Freddie -- the presidential candidate who never heard of the Jena Six and can't remember Terri Schiavo -- can now recall that Saddam Hussein 'clearly' had WMD!

Oh please, GOP, pick Freddie! Pick Freddie!

Speaking of sexy Freddie, his fans have put together a spiffy little campaign video. Heh.

Sexy Freddie's Fans Clean up his Shiny Red Truck

via BlueBloggin

Fred Thompson flops at Iowa Christian Alliance; Refuses to answer questions from reporters
On college education: ‘I don’t know’… again