Rudy Giuliana hates liberals. He claims he is our worst nightmare. In fact, Rudy Giuliana is America's worst nightmare. Rudy's 'worst nightmare' radio ad is now playing in Iowa. Listen to it here:
" is the most powerful left wing group in the country. They spent millions electing anti-war liberals. And publicly brag how the Democratic Party is theirs – bought and paid for," the narrator says. "Why is MoveOn attacking Rudy Giuliani? Because he’s their worst nightmare."
via TPM
After Rudy effectively tells MoveOn to 'bring it on' - MoveOn takes their Rudy the Betrayer ad national - to CNN. This is the ad that was orginally aimed for Iowa.
The ad "asks why people should take Rudy's views on Iraq seriously when he passed on a chance to make a major contribution to the Iraq debate at a time when he wasn't running for President."
See MoveOn's Rudy Giuliani A Betrayal of Trust Ad.
Rudy Giuliani MoveOn.Org News 2008 Politics Petraeus Iowa Betray Us