Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hillary's 'Cackle' OR She Who Laughs Last at the Sexist 'Liberal' Media

Wicked witches cackle and so does Hillary Rodham Clinton, sayeth our liberal media.

From the New York Times, we learn that the first woman ever to rise to the position of viable presidential candidate -- or "hellish housewife" Hillary Clinton -- has a laugh that is better dubbed "The Cackle."

The Times columnist didn't exactly have an original thought - at the very least, he could have credited Rush Limbaugh.

But it seems like only yesterday when Hillary was a humorless and cold and calculating woman bitch with a voice that "'some men' think .. sounds like 'fingernails on a blackboard.'"

And the witch is not deferential, damn it!

But one of the many 'joys' of watching a woman run as a viable candidate for the U.S. presidency is the excruciatingly harsh spotlight that suddenly shines on the everyday sexism that continues to keep so very many women in our traditional place.

And the more they pile it on, the more a vote for Hillary looks like a vote against the sick sexism that assaults all women in this man's world!

That Clinton Cackle
The Last Laugh
Sexism (with a capital S)
No laughing matter
Hillary Laughs at Fox News (video)