Monday, September 24, 2007

Hillary 'Beats Up' 5 Guys on 5 Talk Shows (TPM Video Highlights)

Hillary Laughs at Fox News

My favorite of the talk show hightlights are the moments when Hillary is laughing at Fox News guy Chris Wallace. Clinton should go on Fox and laugh at the fools more often. Her reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. Admittedly, I did not check with Rush and his league of goons. According to Chris Matthews, Hillary went on five talk shows and beat up five guys. And one of Matthews' guests opined that Hillary ate them for breakfast!

Scroll down for the question of the day. Seriously.

Hillary Laughs at Fox News

via TPM: Resistance is futile!

Can Clinton Be Stopped? -- The Hillary Clinton who appeared on five Sunday morning shows was a formidable political candidate: poised, polished, knowledgeable. The package she presented was designed to send a message to her Democratic rivals: catch me if you can.

Bush: Hillary Clinton Will Be Democratic Nominee