Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bush: Yes, Childrens Do Learn

Remember when George W. Bush famously asked: "Is our children learning?"

Well, yesterday the dummy answered his question:

"Childrens do learn."

Childrens may learn, but presidents apparently don't. Why do they let this fool speak in front of children? Bush's statement was made in front of a room full of kids. Teachers were there. It was a made-for-tv event.

The event drew New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings plus teachers and about 20 fourth and fifth graders from P.S. 76.

Only in America do the people elect a president who can't handle the language. Why did Republicans inflict this madman upon the country?

The White House has cleaned up the online transcript.

Bush fulfills H.L. Mencken's prophecy: "On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." [via]

Funny Bush Graphics