Sissy: 1) A girl. 2) A sister. 3) A boy or man regarded as effeminate. 4) A person regarded as timid or cowardly. 5) A fag.
As Ozmint clearly knows, being called 'a girl' is the worst insult a manly man can receive. Some manly men on the receiving end of this 'insult' like to turn around and get their kicks by calling women girls.
If you aren't a sexist or homophobic prick when you enter a South Carolina prison, the chances are great that you'll be one by the time you get out. South Carolina might want to get a jump start and implement its 'sexist prick indoctrination' in the public schools.
Ironically, a recent study finds that women prefer "effeminate guys" for long term relationships. Something tells me that prisons director Jon Ozmint is not the kind of man that most women prefer.
Ozmint is a hunter, a Baptist Church Deacon and, yes, Ozmint is a manly Republican. All that and a sexist prick too!
The Guardian:
South Carolina's prisons director on Tuesday defended a policy of punishing inmates who perform sex acts by dressing them in pink, despite a lawsuit claiming the rule subjects prisoners to ridicule.
State Corrections Department John (sic) Ozmint said the two-year-old punishment deters inmates and protects female officers. His agency has asked a federal judge to dismiss the lawsuit.
``We don't believe the United States Constitution protects an inmate's right to publicly gratify himself,'' Ozmint said. ``We're hopeful federal courts won't look into our Constitution and create such a right.''
via Feministing
Feminist Politics Sexism Hyper Masculinity South Carolina News Pink Prisons Sexist Indoctrination Homophobic