Here's Lusty Larry -- or Sen. Craig's sexcapades set to music! Hilarious! Rightwing holier than thou anti gay hypocrites are too good for something. The whole country is laughing -- laughing at Sen. Larry Craig and the sex-scandal plagued Republican Party. Scroll down for some Lusty Larry Links.
Lusty Larry Links:
Senator Craig is a hypocritical bigot. But if the US wasn't so homophobic, maybe he wouldn't need to be.
WaPo: Tapping Into The Secrets Of the Stall
Think Progress: Conservative ‘Homophobic Hypocrisy’ In Craig Scandal
Dkos: Craig vs. Vitter: Hypocrisy and Politics
YouTube MSNBC's KO: Larry Craig - Dragnet Blues
NY Times: Idaho Senator Loses Committee Leadership Posts
Gay Senator Larry Craig Republican Gays 2008 Sex Scandal Politics Minnesota News Idaho Joke