Friday, August 17, 2007

Jenna Bush to Marry Ex Rove Intern -- Rumors of Pregnancy Ensue

Of course, Jenna Bush is marrying a former Rove aide. Jenna's future husband Henry Hager is pictured above in a passionate embrace with small-waisted Jenna. And more recently, there's Jenna in a more maternal setting, modeling the latest in muumuu fashions.

It's called, keeping the lies all in the family. Or, maybe it's called, the First Anti-Choice Family Shotgun Wedding.

The WaPo reports that "Hager got his start . . as an intern in the White House for Karl Rove and later moved to the Bush-Cheney reelection campaign."

Wonkette has more "photographic forensic evidence" that attempts to answer the compelling 'inquiring minds' kind of question: How Pregnant Is Jenna Bush?

The above 'damning' photos were found at, The Weblog For New Dads: Another White House Intern Scores!