Monday, August 06, 2007

Fred Thompson's Wife Left Unpaid Medical Bills in Nashville

Jeri Kehn Ran Out on Medical Bills -- Will Michael Moore help ole' Fred Thompson?

The Washington Post reports that Fred Thompson's wife, Jeri Kehn, once lived here in Nashville and, like many of us, Jeri Kehn had (has) trouble paying her medical bills.

Hmmm, now what is Fred Thompson's position on universal health care?

.. [Jeri Kehn] spent much of her 20s biding her time in Nashville without a clear career path, living with a boyfriend whose main claim to fame was getting arrested in Red Square for unfurling a pizza-parlor banner in the last days of the Cold War. Kehn left three court judgments behind her in Nashville, one of which remains unpaid today, and a court twice garnished her wages. . .

In 1996, the Davidson County court in Nashville ordered a $900 judgment against Kehn in a case brought by an anesthesiologist, and garnished her wages at a communications company. In 1997, the court ordered a $1,700 judgment against Kehn for unpaid medical bills at Nashville's Baptist Hospital and again ordered her pay garnished. But Kehn had left for another job, and the debt is still listed in court records as unpaid.

After all these years of feminist gains, it's still true that marriage is the most effective strategy for women to raise their economic status. You'd think Frederick of Hollywood would have paid off his wife's outstanding medical bills by now.

I know, let's ask Michael Moore if he can help Fred Thompson pay off his wife's outstanding medical bills. And Michael is still asking for stories about bad experiences with American health care. Jeri Kehn should send Michael her story!