Friday, July 20, 2007

More Right-wing Hysteria Over Al Gore

Right-wing Bloggers Spin Funny Fish Tales

Well, did you hear the latest cause for right-wing jubilation? Rightist blogs have been positively salivating over the news.

They have caught Al Gore dining on fine and sumptuous endangered species!

Yep. There’s no such thing as global warming, the earth is flat, and many species are now endangered because Al Gore eats them.

This, my friends, is why it is so hard to win an argument with flat-earthers. It’s just so much more sensible to hold your head, moan, and run for your life! Run back to the reality-based world!

And anyway, since when did right-wingers even believe in a thing called endangered species?

Think Progress:

[C]onservatives across the blogosphere, citing a People magazine article and a poorly-researched Austrailian Daily Telegraph article, smeared Al Gore by claiming that he ate Chilean Sea Bass — a threatened species – at a rehearsal dinner for his daughter’s wedding. Attempting to paint Gore as an environmental hypocrite, BlogsForBush, NewsBusters, and others expressed outrage over the hypocrisy. But, as the Telegraph reports today, “Al Gore’s fish dinner turns out green“:

[T]he fish enjoyed by the Gores were not endangered or illegally caught.

So how many thoughtful and serious scholars will now be forced to spend serious time proving that Al Gore is not secretly devouring all our endangered species? Gawd.

Don't forget to send your letters urging Al Gore to run to: The Office of the Honorable Al Gore, 2100 West End Avenue, Suite 620, Nashville, Tennessee 37203.