Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mitt Romney's Makeup Problem

The news that Romney has spent at least $300 of campaign funds on makeup does make one wonder why the strict daddy party candidate isn't paying for primping out of his own pocket.

John Edwards refunded his campaign for the money spent on his now famous haircuts. Yet, Politico reports that it's not unusual for candidates to spend campaign money on haircuts and even primping aids like makeup.

Can we expect a full mindless column from Maureen on the important topic of Mitt's makeup problem?

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden confirmed that the payments -- actually two separate $150 charges -- were for makeup, though he said the former Massachusetts governor had only one session with Hidden Beauty of West Hills, Calif. . .

Stacy Andrews, who made up Romney for Hidden Beauty, said he barely needs makeup.

"He's already tan," she said. "We basically put a drop of foundation on him … and we powdered him a little bit."