This is pretty impressive. It's hard to think of anyone who has better liberal credentials with the anti war left than Wilson. The news of Wilson's support for Hillary Clinton was disclosed in a conference call with liberal bloggers. As others have noted, the Clinton campaign is making a decided effort to woo the base by reaching out to the netroots. A wise move.
Clinton will speak at YearlyKos in a couple of weeks. No one doubts that she will be booed, but I suspect the boos will be softer than in days past.
Wilson cited their shared experience with the rightwing slime machine and Hillary's position on the war.
"I have known Hillary Clinton for a decade. She is the one candidate who, in my judgment, understands the need to get Americans out of harm's way and to move this to a political process," Wilson said. "She knows what to do. She has the leadership. On day one, she will be able to reach out to the international community, and I am delighted to fight the fight with her."
Hillary Clinton Joseph Wilson Netroots Liberal Base 2008 News Politics