Saturday, July 14, 2007

GOP Snubs NAACP - MSM Yawns

Somebody is living in the racist segregated 1950s, and it ain't the Democratic Party!

So, the NAACP held a forum for presidential candidates.

All eight of the Democratic candidates were there.

As you can see from the photos, one Republican actually bothered to show up! And, yes, all ten of the declared GOP candidates were invited.

Tom Tancredo was the one and only GOP candidate who showed, and he actually got a standing ovation just for showing up!

I call this a refreshingly rare blast of GOP honesty. They weren't there for Katrina, why the hell should they be there for the NAACP?

What? You didn't see these shocking photos on the front page of your newspaper? You didn't see them on CNN or MSNBC?

In a post titled, The Party of No Minorities, Deb-TUD sums up the Party of Gross Old White Patriarchs:

The disdain the GOP has for minorities is no secret. Their desire to control reproductive rights over women is without question. Their demonizing of gays and lesbians is a critical part of their platform. The lack of respect for any religion that is not Christian is well-documented. There's no outcry in the national media about that.

But if we had the kind of media that would actually discuss and condemn the GOP's politics of discrimination, we'd have the kind of media that would have stopped Bush's illegal war!

Hat tip to Jeffrey Feldman
A Picture of the GOP on Civil Rights
But Abraham Lincoln was a Republican! That’s good enough, right?
What if the NAACP held a forum for the GOP presidential candidates and nobody showed up?