Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gonzales Caught Lying to Congress - Perjury Charges May Follow

If you haven't seen Lord Alberto Gonzales' latest doublespeaking performance before Congress, you can view some of the shameful highlights via Keith Olbermann's coverage.

People are required by law to answer questions when testifying before Congress just like in a Court of Law?

But Lord Aberto is too important to trouble himself with minor constitutional details. He is also too important to trouble himself with the nuisance of weaving lies into even a halfway credible narrative.

But if you are protected by the pResident, why not just tell your lies bold-faced and shamelessly?

My only question is: How much longer are Democrats going to sit back and watch the Bush Administration trample all over the Constitution before, finally, they get outraged enough to stand up and defend the Constitution???

Charging Gonzales with perjury and impeaching his ass would be a start.

USA Today:

Documents show that eight congressional leaders were briefed about the Bush administration’s terrorist surveillance program on the eve of its expiration in 2004, contradicting sworn Senate testimony this week by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

The documents, obtained by The Associated Press, come as senators consider whether a perjury investigation should be opened into conflicting accounts about the program and a dramatic March 2004 confrontation leading up to its potentially illegal reauthorization. . A Gonzales spokesman maintained Wednesday that the attorney general stands by his testimony.

At a heated Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday, Gonzales repeatedly testified that the issue at hand was not about the terrorist surveillance program, which allowed the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on suspects in the United States without receiving court approval. . . Instead, Gonzales said, the emergency meetings on March 10, 2004, focused on an intelligence program that he would not describe.