Wednesday, June 27, 2007

MSNBC: Boosting Ratings with Hate - Send Your Letters to Dan Abrams

If you've been watching MSNBC today, you've heard that Ann Coulter was the "winner" of the Hardball exchange between Elizabeth Edwards and the Queen of the Dark Side. MSNBC judge and jury Pat Buchanan added that the painful exchange between Elizabeth Edwards and Ann Coulter was, in actuality, a political "stunt" pulled by Elizabeth Edwards! (See the Edwards/Coulter Hardball Video )

Making fun of people who cry or talk about their dead family members, calling people faggots, expressing your apparent wish that John Edwards might be killed in a terrorist attack -- in what kind of world does such behavior make a person "a winner"?

And why is Pat Buchanan the only person MSNBC can find to interview about the Edwards / Coulter exchange?

And why did MSNBC give Ann Coulter an entire hour to spew her vile hatred?

If MSNBC is really so desperate to get their ratings up, maybe they should assault our ears with an hour of Fred Phelps. How about it Dan Abrams?

If you've had it with morally bankrupt money grubbing media, see Southern Beale for a list of email addresses for MSNBC and their supporters. Make certain you include Dan Abrams who seems to be in charge of the MSNBC policy of getting the hate on to increase ratings. []

If you're short of time, you might borrow ideas from these letters by TGW readers here and here, as well as Southern Beale's letter.

Update: John Edwards will be on Hardball tonight.