I hate Georgia! CNN is still showing the video of Genarlow Wilson's mom, ecstatic with the news that her son would soon be released from the punishment of a ten-year prison sentence for the crime of sex between teenagers.
The judge - who on Monday overturned Genarlow's 10-year sentence - wrote:
"The fact that Genarlow Wilson has spent two years in prison for what is now classified as a misdemeanor, and without assistance from this court, will spend eight more years in prison, is a grave miscarriage of justice."
"If this court or any court cannot recognize the injustice of what has occurred here, then our court system has lost sight of the goal our judicial system has always strived to accomplish ... justice being served in a fair and equal manner."
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that just as Genarlow was being congratulated in prison and told that he was "going home today," Georgia State Attorney Thurbert Baker was doing his part to ensure that Genarlow will remain in prison for the full ten years of his sentence.

The photo here of Genalow's happy mom, Juannessa Bennett, was taken before she learned that Thurbert Baker was scheming to ensure the continued destruction of her son's life.
Enough!!! People need to rise up and tell Thurbert Baker and the sexually repressed lawmakers of Georgia to stop persecuting this kid!
Email the Zell Miller Democrat, Thurbert Baker here: Agbaker@law.ga.gov and here: thurbert.baker@law.state.ga.us / Phone: 404-656-3300 / FAX: 404-657-8733
You might remind Baker that the Atlanta Journal Constitution says "he has lost any sense of perspective on justice" and "may lose his . . job as well."

I hate Georgia!
There's lots more contact info for the Soviet State of Georgia at: Bombard Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker
And see: Save Genarlow Wilson, Remove District Attorney Thurbert Baker and Genarlow Wilson Video and more TGW Genarlow posts.
Genarlow Wilson Soviet Georgia Thurbert Baker Racism Politics Conservative Red State News Sex Abstinence Only United States Human Rights Free Genarlow