The Office of the Vice President is no part of the executive branch, says Lord Cheney.
The Office of the Vice President shall receive no executive branch funding, says Rahm Emanuel and his band of snarky Dems!
Washington, D.C. House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel
issued the following statement regarding his amendment to cut funding
for the Office of the Vice President from the bill that funds the
executive branch. The legislation -- the Financial Services and General
Government Appropriations bill -- will be considered on the floor of
the House of Representatives next week.
"The Vice President has a choice to make. If he believes his legal
case, his office has no business being funded as part of the executive
branch. However, if he demands executive branch funding he cannot
ignore executive branch rules. At the very least, the Vice President
should be consistent. This amendment will ensure that the Vice
President's funding is consistent with his legal arguments. I have
worked closely with my colleagues on this amendment and will continue
to pursue this measure in the coming days."
There's more at Think Progress about Cheney's mythical 4th Branch of Government and Your Lying Thieving White House.
Lord Cheney Blues graphic via Seeds of Doubt
Rahm Emanuel Dick Cheney Power Grab Politics 4 Branches US Government Executive Branch Funding Bush News Democratic Congress