Al Gore is a Vulcan, sayeth the man who termed kos a "Kingpin." In a column titled The Vulcan Utopia (full column link below), David Brooks disparages Al Gore's new book and attempts to resurrect all the old superficial media critiques of the former Vice President. He's stiff, he's chilly, he's "strange."
We're guessing Brooks gets his ideas by reading Maureen Dowd.
Once again, we have a perfect demonstration of Al Gore's point: the media consistently ignores the important issues of the day in order to focus on matters better left to high school popularity contests.
Is Al Gore a cold Vulcan? Is Hillary Clinton too ambitious? Is Barack Obama hen-pecked? Is John Edwards too pretty to be president?
While David Brooks is busy finding Al Gore "strange," the possible future president is showered with standing ovations across the globe, and the pleas for Gore to enter the presidential race show no signs of abating.
As many have noted, Bobo's columns can't even pass a fact-checking test.
Read The Vulcan Utopia.
Graphic via Tom Tomorrow
Al Gore David Brooks Global Warming Climate Change Draft Gore 2008 Assault on Reason News Politics Tennessee Bush
Al Gore's New Book