U.S. Government Fights to Keep Meatpackers from Testing Slaughtered Cattle for Mad Cow Disease
File this one under: If the news of the day sounds like it comes straight out of an old-time lunatic asylum, you know it must be true in America.
International Herald Tribune:
WASHINGTON: The Bush administration said Tuesday it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease.
. . . A federal judge ruled in March that such tests must be allowed. The ruling was scheduled to take effect June 1, but the Agriculture Department said Tuesday it would appeal, effectively delaying the testing until the court challenge has played out.
. . . The Agriculture Department argued that widespread testing could lead to a false positive that would harm the meat industry. . .
Here are my best attempts to grasp what is going on in the carnivorous neocon mind:
1) Mad Cow Disease is a liberal myth like global warming.
2) Mad Cow Disease was sent here by God. We should honor it. It will bring on the Rapture.
Also see E. coli conservatism . .
Bush Mad Cow Disease Republicans Insane Conservatives News Politics USDA