Sunday, April 15, 2007

Video: Scary Pelosi Ad Now Playing on Fox News

This Republican Propaganda Political Ad Now Playing on Fox News is brought to you by the Swiftboating RNC crew who sometimes call themselves the Republican Jewish Coalition. The ad is about the fiction of Pelosi's "Dangerous" and "Wrong" visit to Syria. . .

Occasionally I do my patriotic duty and tune in to Fox News to catch up on the latest rightwing lies or Republican propaganda. On this Sunday morning, I've been subjected to this ad 3 times in the last hour already. Did you know that Republicans are concerned about the deaths of thousands of innocent victims? I didn't either.

The Washington Post editorial board deserves special thanks for this piece of propaganda. As MSNBC's Chris Matthews observed on March 23, 2007:

"Well, The Washington Post is not the liberal newspaper it was, Congressman, let me tell you. I have been reading it for years and it is a neocon newspaper."

Jane Hamsher has more -- including names:

But Abrams isn't doing it alone. He's got help from the Republican Jewish Coalition, which is funding the ads attacking Pelosi . . Think Progress reports that until January, the RJC was headed by Sam Fox, former Swift Boat bankroller, Lieberman BFF and recent imperial appointment to Belgium. The board is quite the rogues gallery and includes Ari Fleischer, David Frum, Sheldon Adelson, Lewis M. Eisenberg and Ken Mehlman. They also financed ads for Lieberman during his senate race, and has some lovely overlap with the Scooter Libby Defense Fund.