Tennessee lawmakers have possibly decided to give gays and women a break this year. This is definitely the year to persecute immigrants. I tried counting all the anti immigrant bills listed over at the Tennessee Immigrant and Refuge Rights Coalition, but the mind reeled.
Go have a look and you'll see why.
So I'm going with the number provided by our credible sources. Though truth be told, it appears that there may be more than 44 anti immigrant bills!
Just once you'd think the Tennessee legislature would do something different. But every year it's the same. People in this state get no peace until the legislators go home.
Did I tell you about the American citizen who was born in Canada and so cannot get a driver's license in this state? We don't want no furin birth certificates! Rest assured, with the current crop of lawmakers, it can only get worse.
Anti-Immigrant Foreigners Immigration Ethnocentrism Tennessee Politics News Nashville Legislators